watch out around this next bend, cause it's a "NAUGHTY LITTLE DOGGIE"! - Revisiting IGGY POP's 1996 Hard Rock Album, with songs like "PUSSY WALK" and "KNUCKLEHEAD" What's Not To Like?...THE HORROR!!

Iggy made some great albums in the 90's yes that's
correct, the 90's. The guy can write some great 
songs. This one in 1996 is overall harder and 
rougher rock than Brick By Brick or American
Ceasar which came before it, 11 songs here, 
all winners, yeah I know we all wanna hear
Search N Destroy and all that, but check out
his 90's stuff, 5 great albums from 1991 to 
2000. What's rock n roll without Iggy
F yeah....The Horror!!
The Horror!!