cover your eyes on this next one, it's "SLAUGHTER"! - 1972 Drive-In Movie with JIM BROWN who also set records in his 9-year career as a fullback in the NFL, but now what about his acting chops?...Anyone?...Bueller?....THE HORROR!!

Just added to my collection on a reco from Every 70's
Movie. Definitely digging this one, in addition to all
the familiar b-movie elements, we have the always
lovely Stella Stevens and a scene with her string
bikini (oh so 70's) and what is not to like about
my man Rip Torn showing up here not only
much younger but playing a Mafia mobster,
The Sheer Horror! Using my Palm Springs Rating
System, I happily give this one Two and a Half
Palm Trees, ya dig? The Horror!!
ORIGINAL TRAILER - link to Amazon, dvd/vhs
Back again, one of our star attractions-
It's the dog that runs away every time it sees
a picture of Julia Roberts....The Horror!!