This next exhibit is not for the weak of heart - "I SAILED TO TAHITI WITH AN ALL-GIRL CREW!" - Say what? Very rare and classic 1968 Drive-In Movie about two rival skippers racing to Tahiti and back.....The Outright HORROR!! (Full Movie)

For those of us that remember a thing called UHF
with channels like 53 and 56, I respectfully submit
one of the rarest of all 60's flicks to come by. 
Only available in bootleg form taped from TV,
this hidden gem is high camp 60's drive-in
fare at it's best and someone finally upped it
on You Tube, great story below about the
real life guy that inspired this flick (yes it 
actually has some depth)....The Horror!!
I SAILED TO TAHITI WITH AN ALL GIRL CREW, 1968 DVD: modcinema*I Sailed to Tahiti with an All Girl Crew 1968 Adventure, Comedy, Gardner McKay, Diane McBain
FULL MOVIE - Thank you sir!
The Horror!!