This next exhibit is Not for the squeamish, ya dig? - Revisiting "YOUTH WITHOUT YOUTH," Francis Ford Coppola's 2007 Fantasy Drama starring Tim Roth as a elderly man struck by lightning and starts aging in REVERSE....The Horror!!

Shot in Romania, France and Spain, as we would expect
from Mr Coppola the photography is beautiful, the film
plays like a dream. But like some dreams, none of it 
makes much sense and the bouncy nature of the story
line is hard to be engaged with. To add to that mess
we have an alter-ego 2nd role for Roth, One of those
you definitely have to be in a certain mood to 
watch, beauty is not lacking but too much else
misses the mark so using my Palm Springs Rating
System I give Youth Without Youth Two
And A Half Palm Trees....The Horror!!
TRAILER - Link to various formats on Amazon. 
We recently obtained secret video of Ed from Ed's Attic
out on his bowling night....
....The Horror!!