careful around this next bend it just might be "THE LAST BROADCAST"! - Say What? 1998 Micro-Indie Horror MOCKUMENTARY did precede Blair Witch Project OR How to take 900 measley dollars and make a film....THE HORROR!!

Considering what they had to work with (or more
like what they Didn't have to work with,) these
two film student friends made a heck of an
interesting indie based on the ole lost in the
woods murder thing. With some crafty editing
and a few friends and only 900 bucks they made
this horror mockumentary, a first of it's kind.
Palm Springs Rating System - not rated.
Palm Tree In A Cheap Pot Award
for worst ending ever made in anything.
TRAILER - Amazon link to various formats
"Look man, I'll see you back at the camp!"
The Horror!!