"THIRTEEN" At Twelve! - Revisiting This Unique 2003 Film with EVAN RACHEL WOOD & Acting Veteran HOLLY HUNTER but the flick's real star is Co-Star and Co-Writer NIKKI REED as the Bad Influence....THE HORROR!!

Those of us in the ahem, over 50 age group will know
what I mean by this statement- Thirteen is basically
a modern day version of The Death Of Richie (TV
movie from 1975.) But while drugs do play a role
in this story, they're not on the forefront. Peer 
pressure is. This kind of material warrants the 
best possible acting talent out there and the
film delivers with the three leading ladies. 
If you didn't know, this was Nikki Reed's
project thru and thru and you have to admire
an actress at that age to be able to produce
this really well done film. Using my Palm
Springs Rating System of course, I give
Thirteen Three & A Half Palm Trees, ya dig?
TRAILER - 2003 movie, easy to find in any format.
Oh let me count the ways I love Holly Hunter.
The Sheer Horror!!