HORRIFIC HUMP DAY SONGS! - T-BONE BURNETT 1982 on this next one and "I WISH YOU COULD HAVE SEEN HER DANCE" a great barroom rocker with Lyrics like only this cat could write, ya dig me? GROOVY BABY!

Right about the time of this vinyl EP, I saw
T-Bone open up for The Clash and The Who
at the LA Coliseum and dug his songwriting
from square one, ya dig? I got to meet him
a couple times at McCabes many years later,
he's very tall and just as trippy lookin' lol.
I asked her, "Do you come here often?"
She said, "I've never been here before."
I asked her her name and she said,
"They called me Kim Boston in England
And Kim English in Boston
And also in Dallas."
I said, "How did you like Dallas?"
She said, "It was just like Ireland
Except the wells don't look like wishing wells."
The song has only been released on vinyl and on
a couple of out-of-print Cd compilations, the
only digital presence requires that you purchase
the whole album. For those reasons I'm offering
a 7daylink from vinyl rip above.
The Horror!!