Revisiting a 1998 Thriller by the name of "HARD RAIN"! - You want water, we got water, CHRISTIAN SLATER, MINNIE DRIVER and MORGAN FREEMAN Star in this Indiana set disaster flick that was really....THE HORROR!!

Neither reviews or time has been kind to this one.
Despite the uniqueness of the production design
and a good cast this flick has been pummeled. 
I've had it in my collection for many years and
will admit that I probably pull it off the shelf
every couple of years or so, when the mood
strikes, it's a good action yarn and what's not
to like about Minnie Driver and water everywhere.
Using my Palm Springs Rating System, I give
this 17 year old reliable thriller a sweet
Three Palm Trees, on a very rainy nite
of course ;-)....The Horror!!
OFFICIAL TRAILER #1 - 1998 film, easy to find.
The Sheer Horror!!