the name of the band is TRIGGER HIPPY, ya dig me? - BLACK CROWES Drummer Steve Gorman New Band with 2 Outstanding Guitar Players including JACKIE GREENE, this 5-piece rock band is....THE HORROR!! (Link)

Well I must admit total horrific shame at not even
knowing about this band until yesterday. Mr Black
Crowes fan right? Anyways, the good ole NYC Taper
himself has posted a recent gig by this new supergroup
and from what I've heard so far, it's dope. Now don't
get me wrong, I like CRB but CRB to me is the
Chris Robinson side of the Black Crowes and not
much else although it's great music. This here
Trigger Hippy is fresh, fun and bluesy,
we dig it, hope you will too
Check out the sample, first song of set - link to NYC Taper show
The Sheer Horror!!