HORRIFIC HUMP DAY SONGS! - Greetings and Welcome to Tommy's House of Horrors, take a seat in the first car, NO Standing Please! as we take a look at a few of those "off the beaten path" kind of songs....THE HORROR!!

AHOY MATE! - Adam in 2014
Hidden in the middle of side one, this Adam Ant
song probably could have been a big hit but
the success of Room At The Top pretty much
killed the rest of the tunes on the LP.  A breezy
toe-tapper, this tune has great lyrics about
those times we've all had when we had to 
set a friend straight on some things, ya dig? 
"If you keep on talking to me
With all of your crude advice
I'll talk to you my friend
And it won't be nice
If you keep on doing what you're doing
I'm gonna vexed with you
If you keep on doing what you're doing
You're gonna be next"
"If you keep on" - Amazon link
The Sheer Utter & Complete Horror!!