So who remembers the $1 used-VHS bins that uses to adorn many stores? It's one of those that was in the shape of a trash can that I have to thank for discovering this very easy-going robbery caper comedy. I gotta tell ya I'm sure glad I spent that dollar that day because since then I have turned a lot of friends onto this nice film. At the time I probably had no idea who John Sayles was but I sure do now and it's worthy to note he wrote this screenplay. Burt is starting to look old here in 1989 but still has that easy-going comical way about him and Casey Siemasko is excellent, an actor I have come to admire thru the years. Just a nice simple take on the old pro thief teaches the kid the ropes story. Using my Pinewoods Rating System, Breaking In receives a worthy Three Pinewoods....The Horror!!
Breaking In Movie Review & Film Summary (1989) | Roger Ebert
Bill Forsyth is the master of the small gesture, closely observed, which reveals the personalities of his characters. He doesn't deal in big-scale plots and actors who shout a lot, but goes instead for the comedy that can be found in the way people cover up their weaknesses and distrust their strengths.
Sunday Editor's Pick: Breaking In (1989)
Playing Fri Feb 24 at 7:30* & Sun Feb 26 at 9:00 at Anthology Film Archives [ Program & Tix] *Screenwriter John Sayles in-person on 2/24 Anthology inaugurates a new screenwriter-centric series and chooses director and independent film legend John Sayles as their first subject with " From the Pen of: John Sayles," thru March 1.

If you can handle a LQ slightly out-of-focus but watchable, this upp is full movie

The Horror!!