Concert memory time. Ed and I attended this concert at ages 13 & 14 and Ed brought a very nice camera with a huge zoom lens. This was back in the day when you could just walk in with something like that. I know Ed got some killer pictures because I'm remember helping him but the evening ended in a slight bummer as when we got to our cars, the film was accidentally exposed. I got especially blessed on this tour as I was going to a boarding school in upstate NY and landed up seeing not only the Forum show, but the MSG stop as well. Below are two goodies - 1- Rare Vinyl Boot "Sold Out" on the Wizardo record label and 2- the full show, same source (which is Kbfh fm)
streaming....The Horror!! (Additional Notes - 8/23 - There's been some corn-fusion in the past about these Forum shows, including dates and how many. For those interested, according to my research Alice played 2 nights (not 3) the 17th and the 18th. The only boot of 17th show is what we have here. the KBFH original source. No bootlegs are known to exist for the following night, the 18th.
Even more additional notes 8/23 - I know we have more than a few guitar players out there, don't ask me how I know, I just know. IF you do play guitar then you MUST check out Devils Food>Black Widow, an all-out AXE BATTLE takes place between Dick Wagner & Steve Hunter, I think we just lost Wagner last year...