This is one tripped out Elvis boot, that's for sure.
Unique and different from other EP boots
for these reasons. It's the longest running
time ever for an EP show. It was the very
last show of a long stand at the Hilton
Hotel and after this night everyone would
be off for a month. So the mood of the band
and Elvis is not only happy but loosey
goosey. Elvis of course is totally fucked
up and launches into his first of many
dialogues right after the first song. he is
flyin'! But he seems to sober up a bit
after the first few songs and his voice
and performance are incredibly soulful.
The band breaks into spontanious jams
on a couple songs, something I've never heard
on any EP boot, the best of which is about
a 3-minute jam near the end of I Got A
Woman/Amen. A really great show
due to the vibes on stage, you gotta love it.
7daylink, Rating A+
The Horror!!