Similar to Clint Eastwood, the Charles Bronson canon is
so vast that just when I think I have his filmography
down I land up discovering another flick never seen.
Unfortunately the amount of good Bronson films
differs vastly from Eastwood most people would
agree but this one is a winner. Based on a real
Yukon era criminal manhunt, the film starts with
a White Fang kind of thing with Bronson rescuing
an abused dog. The thing I liked most about this
besides location and photography is the way
Bronson is directed. Keeping dialog at a minimum
allows Bronson to express his character thru
body language and expressions and it's a hand
in glove fit for the actor. Really dug this one,
Palm Springs Rating System - Three Tall Palm Trees
The Shrine of Charles Bronson
Johnson, an unsocial Trapper interrupts a dogfight and buys one of -almost dead - dogs against the owners will. He claims that the animal could render him more that the measly $200 but Johnson feels sorry for the dog and insists on the deal.
The Sheer & Utter Horror!!