If there's one ship I don't mind being late for, it's the DeathShip ya dig me? Greetings all around this horrific world tonight. George Kennedy stars in this 80's schlock fest on the sea. Lovers of b-movies and all things bad in general will dig this hokey ghost story, probably for all the same reasons we like the other ones. What those reasons are, I haven't the faintest idea. Using my Pinewoods Rating System I award Death Ship One and only One Dilapidated Pinewood....The Horror!!
Death Ship (1980)
By Richard Winters My Rating: 2 out of 10 4-Word Review: Ghost ship haunts ocean. Members of a luxury ocean liner collide with a mysterious ship that comes out of nowhere. The liner sinks, but a few of the passengers manage to survive by boarding on a raft and going out to sea.
Death Ship (1980)
Usually when I review a movie I have a clear-cut goal that I reach (sometimes) by the end: I tell you whether or not the movie itself is worth watching. But with Death Ship, I find my work cut out for me - because even though I enjoyed the movie, I can't really recommend that you go out of your way to seek it.