How sweet is was!
1980 was quite the year. I don't know if I can describe
the feeling, being 18 and in love with this band
but it sure was something, I went to a lot of shows
that year not only for myself but bringing friends
and turning them on. One night I brought a friend
to the Whisky that had just pulled into town from
the state of Indiana. We were standing on the stairway
rail looking down at the whole floor and perfect
sideways angle for the stage. This was the night
that Danny played "I've Got To Be Entertained"
for the first time, it was a Saturday night and
about halfway thru the set I look to my left to
see what my Indiana friend was doing I
was met with glazed over eyes and a blank
stare, he was on total tilt, I'll never forget
that look, this one's for you Doug!
Three Great 1980 shows in one pack!
West Lake High School 1980 - If you've never heard this you have to check it out for the pure experience, ya dig me? The show has to be stopped several times as Danny, the principal and even the student body president try to calm down the little kiddies. Great stuff, it's a soundboard but rather uneven and hissy plus the bass didn't go thru the PA in any way so it's flat. Still majorly classic though and the set is really cool, they decide to end the set with all 4 songs on the EP in a row, not done on any other show that I know of. Enjoy!
"Madame Wong's Remastered" - this is one of my favorite creations, I took a Wong's show from 5-17-80 and reproduced it on a 24-track digital getting the best out of what is a typical soundboard for those times. 11 songs, enjoy 
Madame Wongs 4-26-80 - This is an audience capture and not bad, the taper is pretty close but the mic is crap, still very good sound, one of those B+++ or A--- if you prefer of course. The complete show starts with a double power punch of Ain't this The Life>Only A Lad, the encore is Nasty Habits classic sh*t! 7daylink 
The Horror!!