The story of the Andes survivors remains one of the most
harrowing tales of survival ever. It's one I've been
fascinated with since the original book Alive when
I read it in two nights in boarding school with the
flashlight under the blanket after lights out and the
whole nine yards. So I was very excited the other
day when I came across this on the web. The
main thing that makes this different from the
two movie versions is the detail. For example,
there's a more comprehensive telling of the
 avalanche portion of their ordeal. As well, for
those more interested in the cannibalistic angles
of the story, they also go into much more detail,
yum yum. I also like how this spent a good
amount of time on the very last day of their
ordeal when they meet the shepherd across
 the river, a part of the story I've always found
particularly enjoyable but left out completely
in Alive and not covered much in other docs.
Using my Palm Springs Rating System I give
this doc Four Palm Trees...with a little snow.

Best Survival Movies

From surviving natural disasters, nuclear wars, and shipwrecks to sci-fi alien invasions and zombie plagues, survival movies cover a wide range of genres. Here is our list of the Best Survival Movies ever made. 127 Hours - Based on the true story of Aron Ralston whose journey into Utah's Canyonlands National Park would become one of the most horrific tales of endurance and courage ever told.
We just obtained this secret video footage of the 
committee for Boingo-Tober planning tonights post
The Horror!!