very horrific around this next bend. watch a 48 year old man have a nervous breakdown in New York City in "THE PRISONER OF SECOND AVENUE," starring Jack Lemmon & Anne Bancroft, the year was 1975....THE HORROR!!

Jack Lemmon kills it in this classic Neil Simon yarn,
I would say this is Lemmon's best performance next
to Save The Tiger. A 70's fav of mine since first
seeing it right there in NYC when it came out
Probably one of the darker comedies of Simon's,
it's still very funny but serious when it needs 
to be and the casting and performances carry
this thing to the finish line. Using my Palm Springs
Rating System, I give this Three & A Half Palm Trees
The Horror!!
A very cool tribute from a fan with selected
clips...nice one lad!
Pre-success Sly Stone as a park thief....The Horror!!