this next exhibit is not for the faint of heart - CHARLES BRONSON Stars in "LOVE AND BULLETS," a 1981 Thriller or so it claims as Bronson goes to Switzerland to kidnap a mobster's mistress, guess who plays the mistress?....The Horror!! (Full Movie)

More like a drama instead of a thriller, this one has
been beat to a bloody pulp by the critics.The film
suffers badly from weak plot and continuity but
is not without merit. Some great Switzerland locations 
and nicely shot, then there's the subject of Jill Ireland
who is in way over her head in this one. I've always
thought that Bronson & Ireland were one of the 
more interesting husband/wife teams in cinema
but both of them are off kilter here and Bronson
hardly seems interested. Using my Palm Springs
Rating System, I give Love & Bullets Two
And 3/4 Palm Trees....The Horror!!
The Horror!!