STONES 1989! - "25 X 5 : The Continuing Adventures Of The Rolling Stones" directed by NIgel Finch remains the most horrific and sought after doc having only been released on VHS and no other format.....THE HORROR!!

While I thought Crossfire Hurricane was good and fun
to watch, this little sucker here from 1989 is the best
doc on the Stones and still holds the crown. Released
the year after the Steel Wheels tour the story is told
from '62 to '89 and wraps up with a great official 
video at that time for Rock and A Hard Place. 
A generous running time of a bit over two hours
keeps things interesting with lots of rare footage
and even though the doc gets more dated with 
each passing year, this still remains the only doc
where the Stones told their story in their own words. 
Surprisingly enough it has never been released on
anything but the original VHS's. You can find them
on Ebay or Amazon, there's a few out there right
now in the 10-15 dollar range which is a steal
for this title, should be priced at least 20+
and worth tracking down....Link
Segment on Brian Jones
Rock & A Hard Place, one of the best things to come
out of the Steel Wheels phase. 
Majorly cool pic!
Charlie's Horror....The Horror!!