Of Things Pertaining to NEIL YOUNG! - Oh yeah, kicking off the weekend with a 2013 rare boot, a list of the "12 Least Essential Neil Young Albums," a Top 5 list from yours truly, and something called "THE INCA TRILOGY," it's all Very Heady & Horrific STUFF!!

Greetings my fellow travelers in time, going to be a
fun weekend here at the blog, no tributes, just good
ole fashioned HORRORS...much peace to all of you
around the world, be crazy but safe. T.
Neil Young Wellington NZ 2013
review below - very rare, sound quality unknown
on this audience capture, set list, FF link on this one.
A few years back this crazy friend of mine and I were
having a conversation about Neil's music and my
friend said to me, "Have you ever heard of
the 'Inca Trilogy," to which I responded that
I had heard of "Like An Inca," was that what he
meant? He said that was just one of three songs
in Neil's catalog containing the word Inca and
that all three tunes were secretly meant to be
a trilogy and played together chronologically.
I then called a cab for my friend and told
the driver to take him to Bellevue. 
Could the Inca Trilogy be a secret plan 
and message by Neil Young?
You be the judge....The Horror!!
Samples above - link to Trilogy 
Tommy's Top Five 
1 American Stars n Bars
2 Rust Never Sleeps
3 Trans
4 Landing On Water (yep)
5 Reactor
The Horror!!