"DOWN, OUT AND DANGEROUS" On A Friday Night! - Why not, right? 1995 Made-For-TV movie stars RICHARD THOMAS and BRUCE DAVISON, Thomas plays an escaped convict who makes life for Bruce quite....HORRIFIC!!

You can file this one under obscure TV movies,
ya dig? A little bit like Pacific Heights but instead
of a low-life squatting and refusing to leave, it's
a low-life posing as a homeless person. I believe 
this was a period of time in the early 90's
where psycho homeless people movies
were very popular, fortunately a short-lived
period. Television vet Richard Thomas kills
it in this, by far the best performance I've
ever seen from him. Bruce Davison is also
in top form and the big cat n mouse game 
between this two for most the film, they 
are perfect together. Using my Palm Springs
Rating System, I give this obscurity a solid
Three palm trees....The Horror!!
Full up on You Tube, appears to be in the public domain...
VHS is out of print and hard to find...
The Sheer Horror!!