ROGER WATERS 2008! - Right Here In My Own Backyard, COACHELLA '08 considered by many locals here to be the best ever headlining set, but there was more to come as Roger's Floating Pig got away from it's handlers and....THE HORROR!!

Roger is Aquarius, note the twinkle in the eyes.
So, you would think having Roger play the headline
in 2008 was enough for us desert locals but there
was more fun to come as Roger's pig got away
from it's handlers and flew off into the wild
blue yonder. This is actually not the first time
it's happened. Don't quote me but I believe like
3 or 4 times but it's a big deal because FAA has
to be notified to tell their aircraft as necessary
until the pig is found. It was a pretty big deal
out here in the paper for a few days with a 
10 grand reward for finding it. It was found
two days later in two pieces on two adjoining
driveways in a residential neighborhood so 2
people landed up getting 5 grand each
for what looked like two flattened out pancakes
set list, 7daylink, dvd feed me thinks A-
The one that got away...
The Horror!!