Killer turkey on the loose, run for your lives! - This 2009 low budget deal continues to be the mainstay for thanksgiving horror flicks, because there simply isn't anything else to compete with it. Having said that, it is a pretty awful flick. Using my Pinewoods Rating System, Thankskilling gets One Lonely Pinewood. Best suited for younger audiences, like college age.....The Horror!!
Film Review: ThanksKilling (2009)
ThanksKilling is not a great film. It is as low-budget as they come. The FX is pretty bad. The acting is terrible. The story is absurd. The writing isn't good (they use the same exact joke twice!) and the film doesn't ever attempt to challenge its viewer intellectually.
Thankskilling (2009) - HORRIBLY HOOCHED
Oh yes, dear friends, its that wonderful time of year again. Time to get together with our blood relations and consume copious amounts of food under the guise of holiday celebration. Time to watch a football game, drink heavily, then pass out early on the couch with your belt torn asunder and an errant hand ...