TOP FIVE MOST HORRIFIC BLACK SABBATH ALBUMS! - (First In A Five-Post Series) #5 - "BLACK SABBATH" debut album is where I kick it off, each post in the series will also have my favorite song from high quality vinyl rips....THE HORROR!!

At approximately the age of 12 I corralled my mom
into taking me down to the record store to get not
one but FOUR Black Sabbath albums, a feat I now
look back on with immense pride. Those four will
be featured in this series, this is #5, the debut album.
What can't be said about this classic and while it
is my #5 it's a amazing record considering it 
was done in an 8-track studio over the course
of one or two days. It''s almost impossible to 
pick a favorite tune but gotta go w The Wizard;-)
Lester Bangs pummeled this album in review below
This version of The Wizard is from the above UK 1st
pressing Vertigo thru a very high quality vinyl rip.
The Sheer Horror!!