only people with healthy hearts will be admitted to our next exhibit called "SHE-FREAK"! - 1967 B-Movie about what happens when an overzealous chick joins the carnival and has it in for the freaks in the sideshow....THE HORROR!!

One of my all-time favorites in the B-movie section
of the collection. Filled with actual carnies,
there's a nice amount of cool footage showing
what goes in to building and breaking down
your typical rides. All the other B-movie elements
we love are all present , there's nice eye candy and
the ending is great. Like Sleepaway Camp, it's so
 freaking out there you can't help but dig it. 
I guess that's what they mean by so bad it's good,
and using my Palm Springs Rating System
give She-Freak the highest possible rating
in the B-movie catagory which is Two
and 3/4 Palm Trees, ya dig? Groovy baby.
FULL MOVIE - film is in the public domain.
The lead actress was never in anything else and
died early from breast cancer at 43, 10 years
after the film was made. After she passed it
was discovered that she and the actor that 
plays Shorty had an affair and a kid together.
The Horror!!