STONES 1969! - Oh now this one is a real oldie but goody "1969 Soundboards" is a very early Cd boot with songs from the Oakland, Detroit, Baltimore & London, it's all very heady stuff and quite horrific....

the cd's old, the links old, it's all old....but oh so good!
01 Sympaty For The Devil (*)
02 Stray Cat Blues (*)
03 Prodigal Son (*)
04 You Gotta Move (*)
05 Love In Vain (*)
06 Live With Me (*)
07 Gimme Shelter (*)
08 Little Queenie (*)
09 Satisfaction (*)
10 Sympaty For The Devil (**)
11 Stray Cat Blues (**)
12 Little Queenie (**)
13 Love In Vain (***)
14 Jumping Jack Flash (#)

(*) Oakland, November 9, 1969 (2nd Show)
(**) Detroit, November 24, 1969 (1st Show)
(***) Baltimore, November 26, 1969
(#) London, December 14, 1969

The Horror!!

Additional Notes - 5/7 - I'm kinda flabbergasted by this boot, never even heard of it, it's like it dropped right out of the sky or something, but anyways it's AWESOME, thumbs way up