Myra: Are you OK? Do you want something?
Harry Stoner: Yes. I want that girl in a Cole Porter song. I wanna see Lena Horne at the Cotton Club - hear Billie Holiday sing fine and mellow - walk in that kind of rain that never washes perfume away. I wanna be in love with something. Anything. Just the idea. A dog, a cat. Anything. Just something.
Ole Jackie boy worked for scale on this one and they
shot it in sequential order giving the 24-hours-in-the
life-of story maximum effect. The actors also spent
three weeks rehearsing on location before shooting
in sequential order. It shows- point blank Save The
Tiger has some of the best acting you'll ever see
in a picture. This was Jack's passion project.
Very dramatic, not
for everybody, and should be required viewing
for beginning actors and actresses.
Save the Tiger Movie Review & Film Summary (1973) | Roger EbertThe Seventh ArtJACK LEMMON WINS OSCAR
Paul G at press conference for Sideways 2004
We have obtained secret footage of Ed from Ed's Attic
working on his next post....The Horror!!