"CYBERPUNK"d on Halloween!! What the...now you Know this 1993 BILLY IDOL Album Belongs In The House Of Horrors, the world hated it but of course we LOVED IT, so what r ya gonna do, THE HORROR!! (Reco)

Overindulgence in capitalism 
or masterpiece ahead of it's time?
Hmmm, you be the judge but here's just a few of my favs
WASTELAND - Album's opening track.
 "No religion, no religion at all" - dig it.
POWER JUNKIE - Oh yeah, Billy all the way
LOVE LABORS ON - this is a trippy one
SHANGRILA - wow, dig this concept-
"we can live forever in Shangrila (strike that thought!)"
Purchase the tracks or album at this Amazon link
or your fav retailer.
This guy dressed as Hall & Oates...,
The Horror!!