if you don't mind i'll get "EXPLICITLY TO THE POINT" as in my 2009 album just added to the Tommy Ross Official Blog and a Brand New Look, SO Many Songs and Albums you can check out over there for free, THE HORROR!!

This album stands out in my canon like that fun
guy at the party with a lampshade on his head
going look at me look at me. I'm proud of this
one even though artistically it contains some
of the most shallow and mindless stuff I've
ever written. The original concept for the album
was to use only beats and patterns and craft 
simply silly tunes based on world matters
that were pissing me off at the time. After
tracking about 5 or 6 tunes this way I started
having guitar withdrawals and loaded up an
old unfinished instrumental and just started
this long kitchen sink solo on a first-take
which came to be called I'll See You In
New Mexico. My slightly bizarre cover of
Mick Jones "Innocent Child" almost sounds
like Bob Dylan trying to cover the song.
A short but sweet R&B tune follows before
bring the concept back full circle with 
the mindlessly silly "You Look Like
The Blair Witch" This album sold well
for me and continues to be popular with
fan around the world. Enjoy the new
320 rip from silver cd over at my blog!
New look over at my original music blog.
The Horror!!