"CYBERPUNK"d on Halloween!! What the...now you Know this 1993 BILLY IDOL Album Belongs In The House Of Horrors, the world hated it but of course we LOVED IT, so what r ya gonna do, THE HORROR!! (Reco)

Overindulgence in capitalism 
or masterpiece ahead of it's time?
Hmmm, you be the judge but here's just a few of my favs
WASTELAND - Album's opening track.
 "No religion, no religion at all" - dig it.
POWER JUNKIE - Oh yeah, Billy all the way
LOVE LABORS ON - this is a trippy one
SHANGRILA - wow, dig this concept-
"we can live forever in Shangrila (strike that thought!)"
Purchase the tracks or album at this Amazon link
or your fav retailer.
This guy dressed as Hall & Oates...,
The Horror!!

watch your step careful around this next corner now, you may just fall into "THE PIT"!! 1981 Horror Film about a twisted 12-year old whose found a pit with some trolls at the bottom and now he must feed them...But WITH WHAT??!! THE HORROR!! (Full Movie)

Whatcha got down in that there pit, boy?
And why do all your babysitters quit?
An '80's Horror Classic all the way!
The Horror!!

around this corner look out, it's the "LED ZEPPELIN JAPANESE PANTY VINYL BOOTLEG" an extremely rare Japan Vinyl Rip boot that came with a slew of extra stuff inside -the record, photos, poster, post cards, oh yeah and a PAIR OF WOMAN'S PANTIES! THE HORROR!!

very rare stuff as you can see but sound is very B-
bordering on worse, prob for collectors only link 
Vinyl rip includes photos.
Additional Notes - 12/23 - Source is Japan Tour 1971
I have no idea what night or show
Good ole Paul Lynde, We miss ya! 
The Horror!!

Monday with LENE LOVICH! (Mix) truly the Queen of The House, another one of those right place, right moments, I was a music major at Los Angeles City College, 18 years old and someone handed me the STATELESS Album and the Rest Is History, YA DIG?!

"There's a land I've seen in a dream 
the home of the brave and free
where peace of mind is easy to find
forever guaranteed" - Rocky Road
Egghead - from Flex
Faces - from No Man's Land
Lucky Number - from Stateless
Too Tender To Touch - from Stateless
Rage - from March
Say When - from Stateless
Maria - from No Man's Land
Shape Shifter - from Shadows & Dust
Joan Of Arc - from Flex
Blue Hotel - from No Man's Land
Wonderful One - from Flex
One In A Million - from Stateless
Rocky Road - from No Man's Land
Streaming only - please support the artist
Amazon link - I-Tunes link 
The Horror!!

GREAT SCOT! it's those funky boys from Scotland the AVERAGE WHITE BAND, great show from Providence 1975 and another Dan Lampinski classic capture, so Horrific Monday to ya in whatever part of this HORRIFIC World you live in!

yep, it's another one from the ole days, i'm really
glad i saved a lot of this sh*t, aren't you ha ha 1 2
The Horror!!

JETHRO TULL 1972! the name of this little ditty would be "FLUTE-TOPIA" a classic boot from Toronto and features an Hour and Eight Minute version of Thick As A Brick just to kick things off....THE SHEER HORROR!!

Pretty much the holy grail of '72 boots, enjoy! link
The Horror!!

THE CLASH open up for The Who at LOS ANGELES COLISEUM 1982 another great concert memory at age of 20, got an article i wrote here plus soundboard audio from show, THE HORROR I say, THE HORROR!!

AND I WAS THERE!! So, here we go with another concert memory for ya. In 1982, my buddy and I went to see what was supposed to have been the final Who concert at the Los Angeles Coliseum on October 29th, 1982. Everybody knew The Clash was going to be the opening act and there was this whole thing about the all new music coming out at the time and a passing of the baton from one great English band to another.

I remember that for a place that size, we had pretty damn good standing position, there were no seats, it was general admission. We were probably about 15 feet from the stage just a tad left of center. T-Bone Burnett opened the show with a full band which was also my first time hearing him, he had just put out the Trap Door EP and did all those songs as well as stuff from Tooth Decay. There were a lot of punks with mohawks that had made their way to the very front center. There was a bit of a wait before the Clash finally came on. I also remember their manager coming out and making this very dramatic introduction of the band. And the show was on!

I also distinctly remember Mick Jones was wearing all black, almost a western kind of outfit. The band was in great form as you'll hear on this soundboard recording I tracked down through one of my regular traders. They basically machine-gunned 14 of their great songs, one after another, and really had the crowd enthralled. The other thing that really stands out in my mind was their stance on stage. This band really knew who they were, and it showed on their faces and body language. They were there on a mission, they were there to deliver their message and they were really the "only band that ever mattered." I feel exceptionally proud and blessed to have been there that day. It goes without saying that I was a hardcore Clash fan from that day forward and still am!


fairly decent soundboard recording, enjoy!

The Horror!!

the name of the band was SHONUFF and the album was called ARE WE LIVE? i have featured this Pittsburgh band on a lot of my blogs thru the years and will continue to praise this album and hopefully turn a few new fans on, Ya Dig Me?!

my original article from Tommy's Beach. Link
The Sheer Horror!!

just thru this door here and "SUPERVIVIENTES DE LOS ANDES"!!...translated "SURVIVE"!!!..seems like a lot of words for that one word but anyways this is The Ultimate Survival Story of All-Time. ya dig me!! Dig me but don't EAT ME!! (Full 1976 Movie)

In 1976, long before the movie "Alive" came out
this was the original Mexican movie version.
With English Subtitles
Here's a link to an outstanding post about the film
on the blog Cool Ass Cinema, recommended blog!
The Horror!!

DEEP PURPLE 1973! "Play Fur Elise" Is A Superb Audience Recording In Boston By The Famed Joe Maloney, A Great Boston Taper, We're Talking Mark II Operating on all 8 Cylinders, Ya Dig What I'm Sayin'?! Ya Feel Me? Well, Okay Fine Then!

Highly recommend this classic Joe Maloney recording
set list is here, File F*cktory link on this one. 
The Horror!!

Revisiting a little GENESIS album called "THE WAY WE WALK, VOLUME TWO: THE LONGS" picked it up in the dollar bin at the thrift store and was pleasantly surprised considering it's the Phil Collins era...THE HORROR!!

This was called The Longs cause they stuck 6 songs
on here that with one exception all exceed 10 mins
I'm not a big fan of the Phil Collins era although
somehow this album works for me, nice mellow
listen for those rainy or reflective days...
DRUM DUET (w Chester)
Interestingly enough it looks like they never digitized
Volume Two for Itunes or Amazon, you have to fish
around for it but good news the used CD is only 1 cent
The Doberman Gang rob another bank...The Horror!!