Tommy's Take - Finally had a chance yesterday to give my own comparison check between Stairway and the Spirit song and somewhere before the 30 second mark had already made up my mind- this is BS. Did Jimmy perhaps compose a similar riff to their song subconsciously having been a fan of the group and touring with them, absolutely! And guess what it happens all the time in rock, everybody
copies at some minimal level from their influential artists or idols. The riff in question has a small similarity but nowhere near Page's intricate and wholly original descending/ascending chord structure. I predict (and hope) the jury will see through this very quickly. The trial is expected to last three or four days, so here we go with VERSION 1 of Stairway To Heaven. I will post one every eve until it's over, good luck Jimmy & Robert! And btw, both of you look very dapper with your suits and pulled back hair....The Horror!! Tonight's version is from my homemade boot "Bonzo's Cake" with enhanced sound. Enjoy!
The Horror!!