The one and only Dee Wallace as the lonely Mary Lewis is just a small part of the film but Dee really makes her mark in this movie called 10 that is a 10. Just one of those things where it all came together with the right timing. I also have another theater-going story with this as me and two buddies from my dorm at boarding school went into town the weekend this came out with a van load of students. This school was like a last chance for bad boys that had already been expelled from other boarding schools so getting any kind of weed or anything was practically impossible. However, birds of a feather flock together and the 3 of us 11th graders went around the back and smoked what has to be the all-time pinner of pinners. I remember each of us only had like one good hit off that thing and it was gone but when you're in boarding school and you haven't smoked for weeks, it doesn't take much. I just remember how nice of a surprise that was and we walked in and really enjoyed this picture....The Horror!! Pinewoods Rating System - Four Outstanding Pinewoods. Dudley Moore was an amazing talent and if you've never seen this, I would remind you he was a brilliant concert pianist as well and there's several scenes where he's actually playing but it's the one in the middle where he plays the whole piece written by Henry Mancini, priceless!

Every 70s Movie: "10" (1979)

It's not difficult to identify some of the reasons why writer-director Blake Edwards' sex comedy "10" struck a nerve during its highly successful initial release. The story of a middle-aged man who can't stand the fact that young swingers are having wild sex while he's stuck in a frosty monogamous relationship, the picture spoke to a whole generation of squares who felt like they were missing out on the erotic perks of the counterculture.

10 (1979)

By Richard Winters My Rating: 3 out of 10 4-Word Review: Bo Derek is hot. George Webber (Dudley Moore) is a successful songwriter who has just turned 42 and finds himself longing for a beautiful younger woman (Bo Derek) that he sees while driving. Problem is he meets her on her wedding day and yet...