PROJECT GREENLIGHT Returns For 4th Season! - MATT DAMON and buddy BEN AFFLECK are back again with the HBO Reality Series that gives unknown writers and directors a chance to make their film....THE HORROR!!

If you love films as much as the rest of us around here
 but you've never seen this series then don't pass go and
don't collect $200, just check it out. So glad to see it
coming back around again with a new season next
month, the 4th overall but the first since 2005.
If you are aspiring to be in the film biz in any
capacity, this is also a must-watch. However, don't 
say I didn't warn you in advance, it's very
addicting and with each season usually 15
episodes plus the film the winners make,
you can wile away a whole day....The Horror!!
Complete Season 1 on You Tube, all seasons are legally up. 
The Horror!!