GARY BUSEY becomes a "CARNY"! - So does JODIE FOSTER in this 1980 drama about a waitress bored with her life and joins the travelling circus and starts hanging out with the clowns that run the Dunk Tank.....THE HORROR!!

This one washed up on my shore via the You Tube
Robot and kudos to the robot for that. Couldn't
have picked a better movie for me or this blog, 
and Gary Busey's clown has gone straight to 
the top of my fav Busey roles in one fell swoop,
hilarious. Well as you may know this ain't no
editorial type blog so I'll cut to the chase and
you can read a real review below if you so
desire. Using my Palm Springs Rating System,
I happily give Carny Three & 1/2 Palm Trees
The Horror!!