Not One But FOUR Noir Thriller Films On One DVD! - "THE HOT SPOT," "THE VISITORS," "EXPOSED'," and "TOUGH GUYS DON'T DANCE" mostly from the 80's and the whole thing was just 3 Smacks....THE HORROR!!

one of my final arrivals in recent ordering spree
but well worth waiting for considering I like
most of these at least on some level. Not
bad for $3, and of course using my Palm 
Springs Rating System break down this
fine bunch of celluloid as follows-
THE HOT SPOT - Two And 7/8th Palm Trees
pretty cool flick w Don Johnson
THE VISITORS - Two & A Half Palm Trees
Elia Kazan has done better, read The Understudy
EXPOSED - Two & 3/4 Palm Trees
Really two stars, extra 3/4 for Natasha;-)
No Rating - Ryan O Neal coked out,
need I say more....
The Horror!!