Enter Here, just remember- "NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN"! 1976 Disney Comedy Caper with DON KNOTTS and DARRIN MCGAVIN plus BARBARA FELDON from Get Smart days....THE HORROR!!

been adding a few Disney 70's to the collection, took
a chance on this one although reviews were mixed
to negative. It's a strange one that's for sure but not
without some merit and laughs, the funniest lines
come from a wisecracking old butler in a minor
role. There's this very outdated skyscraper 
sequence with the old matte effects etc.
And as if that's not enough we get Charles 
Martin Smith in what might be the worst
miscast in all of cinema as a detective and
an almost two hour running time, unusual for
these old comedies and not necessary, using 
my Palm Springs Rating System, I give this