Horrific Thursday To Ya, Hopefully It Won't Be A "BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK"! - 1955 Thriller with SPENCER TRACY has one foot in the Noir realm, one foot in the Western realm, one hand in the Mystery realm and the other hand....THE HORROR!!

This one's strange and unique making it perfect for the
House, I had watched this once before on streaming and
enjoyed it, making a mental note to get it into the
collection one day. It's shot nicely and we have
major talent in acting but in my opinion the script
dialog and direction could have been better, the
tension doesn't come across very well, sometimes
it looks like a bunch or great actors standing around.
Using my Palm Springs Rating System, I report
with happiness glad to have in my collection
with Two And 3/4 Palm Trees.
ORIGINAL TRAILER - Amazon Link to various formats
The Horror!!