Horrors abound, it's "GUITAR HEROES - LED ZEPPELIN INSTRUMENTAL RENDITIONS" a 2008 Cd with almost countless Rock Guitar Gods doing their instrumental versions of Zep Tunes....THE SHEER HORROR!!

Oh yes,  this is another one of those goodies that
fly below the radar screen, definitely have turned
a few people onto this, highly recommend,
check out this song list!
The Horror!!

around this next corner, "I AM ALIVE: SURVIVING THE ANDES PLANE CRASH"! - 2010 Television Doc originally premiered on The History Channel and then on DVD is by far and above the Greatest Telling of the Legendary Survival Story....THE HORROR!!

Above picture taken of the actual Andes survivors.
Note the human skeleton remains, bottom right.
The Horror!!
Seriously though, I remember being entranced with this
story as early as the late 70's when I read the book Alive
and used to stay up past bedtime with a flashlight under
sheet finishing the harrowing tale. I've seen both major
movie versions, have them in my collection and like
and dislike them for various reasons. But this TV
doc put out in 2010 and supervised by Nando
tells the story the way it should be- with lots of
precise details from start to end. A lot of stuff
left out of both movie versions is covered and
I really like how they spent time telling the 
very last day of their journey when they
meet the farmer across the river and 
are saved. Great stuff, and using my Palm 
Springs Rating System I gotta give this 
one a healthy four Palm Trees
FULL MOVIE - found this upped on You Tube.
The Horror!!

very horrific around this next corner, it's "THE BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB"! - 1987 2-Part Mini-Series told the true horrific story of Joe Hunt and his recruited comrades as they do anything to get investment money for their.....THE HORROR!! (Full Movie)

Probably Judd Nelson's best role next to Breakfast Club,
this DVD clocks in at well over 3 hours and 10 minutes
yet it goes by very fast as the story is told in flashback
detail, we say thumbs up to this '87 classic and 
using my Palm Springs Rating System, I give
this one three and a half Palm Trees, pretty 
much the highest rating any TV movie
will get, ya dig me? Groovy baby.
FULL MOVIE - found this upped on You Tube, 
probably won't be up for long, here's a link
to Amazon, used copies of the DVD are 
as low as 2.50, enjoy!
The Sheer Horror!!

around this bend, we're goin'...."INTO THE NIGHT"! - 1985 John Landis film, talk about not getting what it deserved, this flick has it all- comedy, romance, suspense, thrills and mystery and all of it set in 1985 LOS ANGELES....THE HORROR!!

Sinfully under-rated, John Landis with the help of
more than a few friends crafted this brilliant film
that really doesn't fit into any genre specific, it's
basically Landis' love letter to LA, that's how I 
see it. I owe an eternal dept of gratitude to a
friend named James Costello who turned me
on to this right when it came out, overtime it's
become a major favorite. Highly recommend! 
Remember "Body By Jake"...yep,that's him....The Horror!!

Revisiting JACKSON BROWNE's "HOLD OUT" - 1980's Love Letter from Jackson Browne to (fill in the blank) an album of both love and loss, a collection of 7 breathtaking songs that were panned by the Critics....THE HORROR!!

This rather interesting collection of 7 songs, 4 of
which exceed 5 minutes was panned by critics
but remains the only JB album to reach #1.
It acts as a bridge from the mid and early 70's
JB sound to his ultimate political sound. 
But this album has one thing on it's mind-
love. And I suppose that's why it gets under
my skin so....just breathtaking songwriting.
OF MISSING PERSONS - first song on side 2 
I love the catchy line "sing you a song...on July the 4th"
HOLD ON HOLD OUT - 8 min album closer
Jackson Browne Hold Out Album Review
The Horror!!

around this next corner, look out it's "THE CASTAWAY COWBOY"! - 1974 Disney Flick starring JAMES GARNER and shot in Hawaii has it's ups and downs as the worlds of cowboys and tribesman collide.....THE HORROR!!

since we've been doing a bit of Disney recently, 
thought I would throw this one out there. 
The scenery and James Garner basically carry
this thing as the plot is riddled with every possible
Disney cliche ever used and then some. Good 
to see Eric Shea in something else besides Posiden 
Adventure, he was a good child actor, using my
Palm Springs Rating System, I give this a
pleasant two and a half palm trees
The Horror!!

around this next bend it's "LA BOMBA"! - TONIO K's 1982 collection of 6 songs was his 3rd release notable for being his only outing on Capitol Records, some great tunes including a Cover of CREAM'S "POLITICIAN"...The Horror!!

My man Steve's 3rd album is unique in many ways,
-only outing on Capitol
-never released digitally
-only release with this particular band
-one of the coolest albums covers ever
-5 songs, placing it in that "grey area",
is it an EP, is it a mini-album? etc
2. POLITICIAN (Cream Cover)

Tonio K - Fools Talk
Tonio K - Polititian
Tonio K - The New Dark Ages
Tonio K - La Bomba
Tonio K - Mars Needs Women
The Outright Horror!!

Memories of "ALL MEAT MUSIC"! - It Was 42 Years Ago Today That Me, An 11-Year Old STONES Freak Got To See The Legendary Nicaraguan Benefit Concert At The LA Forum in 1973, Here's An Article I Wrote A Few Years Back About The Experience And Of Course THE VINYL RIP!! (Special Post)

In January of 1973 the Stones threw a quickly planned benefit concert at the Los Angeles Forum on the heels of an earthquake in Nicaragua which of course came to be known as the Nicaraguan Benefit Concert. 

I was 11 years old and a Stones freak, and I recall the night vividly. Starting with sitting with my mom and the row in front of us, the entire row was passing joint after joint in front of mom and 11 year old. 
Santana opened the night and they played an hour. I believe their album at the time was Caravansarai and I do remember that their set was mostly jamming and instrumental with no major hits played. It almost seemed like one long hour jam. 

Cheech & Chong then came on with a 30 minute run-thru of all their famous routines. They were at the top of their career with "Basketball Jones" being a hit at the time. I remember their last routine being this thing where they pretended to be dogs and were chasing each other around on stage on all fours.

Speaking of stage, it is interesting to note that it was an all white stage specifically designed for this concert only (as far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong.) The stage had a catwalk on the very top in back running horizontally with white row lights. There was supposed to have been a riser for Charlie that would have been very high up but Charlie was afraid to get on it as Jagger comments on it during the concert. 

I also remember the Stones took forever to come on, in typical fashion. Jagger was wearing a never before seen turquoise colored jumpsuit with sequins all over it and a white head band which was slightly unusual for him, he was also very heavy on the eye make-up that night The jumpsuit was indeed very enthralling as it was talked about a lot at the show and after by the media. 

As you can hear on the recording, there was a festive and celebratory vibe in the air. It was definately a feel-good show that night, all positive and fun. The Stones turn in a good sold performance and the set list is a Stones fans dream come true with most of the 1972 tour set being used, sprinkled with great choices just for that night, like "No Expectations," "Route 66" and "Stray Cat Blues" amongst others. I remember my mom and I bailing during SFM to avoid the crowd rush out, supposedly they did a rare encore that night of Midnight Rambler, but I've heard this both true and disputed so not sure. The taper of this famous bootleg runs out of tape right near the end of SFM which is too bad cause it's a blistering version and the tape cuts in the middle of a great Mick Taylor solo. 
Speaking of Mick Taylor, if you have not heard this boot before, he wails throughout and is very loud, louder than everyone else on the recording. While I'm not sure this is a Mike Millard, I suspect it might be. If so, it would be the only one that I know of where we actually get to hear his voice on tape as whoever taped this speaks at the very beginning of the tape, sounds like he's in his car on the way to the show. Whoever did tape this was clearly stage right and in a direct line with Taylor's amps. It is a very good audience recording for it's time. 
The artwork for this classic Trade Mark of Quality vinyl bootleg was truly one of Wililam Stout's best pieces and the version I originally owned of this was a first pressing, the only ones that had this artwork printing directly on the outside front, as apposed to the usual paper inserted under plastic wrap. The vinyl on sides 1&2 were this kind of splash Spirograph looking pattern of black white and grey and the other lp was completely clear. I have seen lots of subsequent verisons including one that had orange and green lp's. It is also very interesting to note that there was definately some kind of defect in the actual pressing that made the records because every copy I've ever heard, even ones fresh out of the sleeve have some kind of scratch sounds here and there. 
As far as I know, the master tape has never surfaced anywhere and the only versions out there are all recorded from one of the vinyl pressings. Please correct me if I'm wrong. 

If you've never heard it or need a new copy, link is below. Enjoy, I can definitely say I'm very proud to have been there, it was a special night. 
**I have several vinyl rips, but this one is the best.
New this year - Ben Fong-Torres original review
of the concert on Feb 15th, 1973...The Horror!!
The Horror!!