the House is open and is getting "SELECTER-ized" with a concert memory of an extraordinary nature, the Great Ska Band, many have come and gone including the Specials, but PAULINE BLACK HAS CONTINUED ON!! (Special)

Queen of Ska and a really nice person too!
In early 1980 at the age of 17 I had one of those experiences
that literally defines part of who you become. This one came
with a girl named Christine who whooshed into my life in
Hollywood, literally we met walking on Hollywood Blvd.
She was blond, very hip to the music scene and a bit
kooky so naturally we hit it off instantly. She was on fire
for this band called The Selecter and as we spent the 
next two weeks together hanging out, she literally
dragged me to both their shows at The Whisky, 
their record signing at Tower Records and back
stage at the Whisky. Turns out they knew each 
other and Christine had gone out briefly with a 
rock star who I won't mention his name cause
she said he beat her. Pauline Black dedicated
"Black N Blue" to Christine on both nights!
Christine and I also dropped acid on another
night and went and saw X at Madame Wong's
downtown and then spent the rest of the night
trippin' around Hollywood...ah, the memories!
This is one of those albums that nobody knows about
yet can be a wonderful discovery. Easily their best produced
studio album, it has a little bit of one foot in rock.
A really good record with solid tunes and production,
one of their better latter day studio albums.
This one known as "BBC Archive Series" is a great
place to start besides the first album. It contains
various early songs including a great version
of their classic "James Bond" live from '79
The Selecter have quite a few live albums in their catalog
mostly indie releases, some very unique. This is probably
the best of the best quality-wise, performance and sound.
From a show in 1996 but released in 2000.
Why wait til the end of your set to do your big single?!
Just open up with it! Love this...
This obscure 1996 release is actually my favorite live
album of theirs. It contains various tracks with no listing
whatsoever where they're from except from 95-96 tour.
Known as "Live: I Want Justice" this one is majorly
tripped out. It's a whole show in Japan and some guy
comes out at beginning and does 3 or 4 songs while
you can literally feel the tension of the audience and 
band to get him off the stage. Finally the Selecter kicks
in to what sounds like half a room. Strange but I love it!
last song on cd called THE SELECTER ;-)
LINK to Amazon catalog.
LINK to I-Tunes.
If you wanna get Selecter-ized, that should keep you busy!