Revisiting "8 MM" - is there a reason we would want to? one sure way to turn off audiences is to make a film about underground porn but does that mean all the Great Acting Performances Are Thrown Out The Window?? WE THINK NOT!!

Once you're able (if you are) to get around the subject
matter and Nicolas Cage and Joaquin Phoenix then you
should be able to notice that not only is this an excellently
directed film by Joel Schumacher but also the supporting
acting performances are quite stellar, thumbs up!
Peter Stormare, a great Swedish actor whose name is
not mentioned in film conversation nearly enough!
Might just be the all-time greatest James Gandofini
performance. Not for the faint of heart but somehow
the role brought out all that bad-ass-ness in him.

Widely available.
"You sure I can't interest you in that battery-
operated vagina?".....THE HORROR!!