scans from an old yearbook of JUDSON BOARDING SCHOOL in SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA where I went to school in 10th and a little of 11th before getting, no pun intended, The Boot! Loved Going Here, But It Too Is LONG GONE!! (Pics)

since Ed and I are both in a bit of a nostalgic mood lately, thought I'd share a few pics of one of the (many) schools I attended in youth, this one I stayed at a little longer than usual, I lasted a year and a month at this one! Yep, I was a bad boy but anyways this was a great school where horseback riding was a required course! Many fond memories and sad to hear it was bulldozed around 2000 to make
room for condominiums. 
The Concho Room was the snack bar hangout, you 
can't see it but way back in the corner under that heater
was a cool jukebox. I actually worked here for a couple
weeks but they fired me when I refused to work an 
extra shift to help out when they were busy. I was
more interested in hanging out with my girlfriend.
Love that 75 cent cheeseburger!
Strangely enough, this guy introduced me to the music
of Billy Joel. "The Stranger" has just come out and 
he used to play it on his cassette player while we
were taking quizzes. He was a really cool guy.
Thanks to this guy I got to see a frog's heart beat
with it's guts wide open. I really liked him, the last
thing he said to me was "I thought you were going
to fly straight."
Me and a bud pulled one of the all-time greatest pranks
on this guy. We obtained a key from the janitor and 
snuck in his classroom at night and taped a bunch
of nudie pictures from Hustler magazine to his
World Geo map so when he pulled the map
down with a flourish as was his custom,
well you can dang funny.
Sadly, no pictures of me. Don't you hate it when you take
out your yearbook and you're not even in it!
This is the condo complex that replaced school.
Also while we're sharing pics, I found these two the other
day from the Hard Rock Park amusement park which
I was blessed to attend the grand opening of, even
though it only lasted a year. I have no idea WHAT
the hell was up with my outfit that day....
What was I wearing that day......THE HORROR!!