u finding yourself in a state of "LIMBO" these days? take a look at this 1999 JOHN SAYLES Film and you may find answers especially when you hear MARY ELIZABETH MASTRANTONIO Sing Some Amazing Songs, One Written by SPRINGSTEEN and Filmed In ALASKA! (Reco)

Shot in Alaska, this brilliant John Sayles film combines
music, drama, suspense, and some valuable life lessons.
You just won't believe how great her voice is!
Ah now but the real star of this movie is
Vanessa Martinez who at age 19 turns in
an absolutely stunning performance.
What I liked so much about this story structure is that it confounded my expectations at every step. I expected the story to stay in Juneau, but it didn't. When it took a turn toward adventure, I thought the threat would come from nature--but it comes from men. After the three characters are stranded, I expected--I don't know what, maybe Swiss Family Robinson-style improvisation.
But Sayles gradually reveals his buried theme, which is that in a place like the Alaskan wilderness you can never be sure what will happen next. And that optimism, bravery and ingenuity may not be enough.
1999 film, pretty easy to find
Kris Kristofferson as the bad guy.....The Horror!!