Revisiting the FIFTH ROD STEWART Solo Album called "SMILER" but a major change taking place wasn't making many fans Smile, ya dig what I'm sayin'? So was this album such a let down and why so many people at Rod's House, THE HORROR!!

After the first 4 solo albums, things started taking a
major turn with this album, an over-produced
to the point of muddy collection of tunes which
actually imo contained a lot to Smile about.
It's definitely one of the more interesting titles
in Rod's catalog, like the black sheep.
LET ME BE YOUR CAR - Elton John teams up with 
Rod on this nice honky tonk rocker. This track is
great but kind of got swept under the rug.
MINE FOR ME - Rod covers Paul McCartney on this
really sweet tune that closes the album.
HARD ROAD - One of my all-time favorite Rod rockers,
and Ron Wood plays some classic guitar.
The Horror!!