WOODY ALLEN Tribute! Ok folks gonna start off nice n easy w "SMALL TIME CROOKS" Ya Dig? I was going thru the Allen Filmography realizing I was only going to be able to showcase a small handful and THIS ONE Immediately Came to Mind, THE HORROR!!

I've always felt this one deserved a lot more credit than the rap it's gotten over the years. Besides the usual witty script we get Tracey Ullman in her only Allen movie as the leading lady and she does a GREAT job, her banter with Allen using his dialogue is spot-on. We also get Hugh Grant in the second half of the flick, also in fine form. To me though the script on this one is just great, a lot of really funny jokes and one-liners, the story is dynamic and teaches that nice ole lesson of rich vs poor as well. The House calls this one a hit, not a miss!

2000 film, very readily available.
The Horror!!