WOODY ALLEN Tribute! calling it a wrap with "TO ROME WITH LOVE" and what did the world expect anyways along with a short general list of Allen films we find Horrific or not, Appreciate all your visits from Around The World! PEACE ON YA!!

My man Benigni is SO funny as usual...

Okay, so big deal, Woody had a hit with Midnight In Paris, which is a great film and all that but wouldn't probably even be on my top ten, it was definitely his most mainstream accessible flick since Annie Hall, so whatever came after it was bound to be a let-down. But if you're a real Woody fan you know that To Rome With Love is a winner for all the right reasons.
Nice to give a quick nod to Mr Allen this weekend, to me it's always been about the writing and I would even say he might be a genius for scriptwriting, if all the other components to the film also land up coming together, well that's even better, but Woody Allen to me first and foremost is an amazing storyteller, writer and comic.
Tommy's "Sterling Silver" list- Annie Hall, Match Point, Sleeper, Love & Death, Crimes & Misdemeanors, Take The Money & Run, Purple Rose Of Cairo
( I really want to add Hannah & Her Sisters to above but it's SO dated, the most of all his films)
Excellent films not usually mentioned - Sweet n' Lowdown, Shadows & Fog, Interiors, Alice, Whatever Works, You Will Meet..., Mighty Aphrodite, New York Stories
The "Misses but still Watchable" in my opinion -  Scoop, Melinda & Melinda, Hollywood Ending
My very least favorite - Curse Of The Jade Scorpion 
The Horror!!