NOW will you give a man some Bloggin' room! rolling out Sunday with WACKY CHARACTERS and "TEXAS JACK" a mean gun-slingin' outlaw who likes to instigate major Saloon Brawls but no matter how big the brawl Texas Jack Never Has Enough "FIGHTIN' ROOM", Ya DIg?

In 1965's The Great Race, Texas Jack is one mean
 outlaw not to be messed with. He has one sole
purpose in the script and in life and that's to show
up and instigate a major brawl out of jealousy for
his girlfriend. He keeps repeating "Now, stand 
back and give a man some fightin' room!" and
never seems to be satisfied with his ground. 
After basically wrecking the entire saloon,
Texas Jack meets his apparent demise when
appearing for one last time in a doorway
yells his now-famous line and does a 
back-flip onto the floor and passes out.
One wacky character indeed.
"NOW, Give A Man Some Fightin' Room!"
Texas Jack was played by Larry Storch
The Horror!!