hey look folks it's Ned Merrill, you know "THE SWIMMER"?! (1968) Pool by pool they form a river back to his house, but What will be waiting for him when he finally gets there and Who Exactly IS NED MERRILL?? THE HORROR!! (Reco)

"The movement of the film is from morning to dusk,
 from sunshine to rain, from youth to age, 
and from fantasy to truth." - Roger Ebert
"It's a strange picture, but engrossingly so, taking the viewer on a journey of self-delusion and nostalgia that gradually exposes a richly tortured main character as he attempts to immerse himself in a life that's no longer available to him" - BluRay.com
If you consider film as art, then this is a must-see. Burt
 was a smart guy. He took his earnings from the big block-
busters and poured them into the indie films he really
wanted to make. One after another. Way to go Burt.


Link to Netflix. Link to Amazon. Out-of-print and hard to find.
Ned Merril, definitely a regular attraction here..
 The Horror!!