STONES 1967! Say What?! Yes, it's the "1967 European Tour" and Plum Dusty is at it again with an Extremely Interesting Looking post over at his blog, ya dig? I am ashamed to say that Mr Stones Expert didn't even know they did any live shows in '67, THE HORROR!!

Stones European Tour 1967, Plum Dusty has done it 
again with an amazing lookin boot, check it out!
Research shows B to C quality? 
Seriously being considered for a Wacky Characters
segment except he hasn't acted in any movies...
The Horror!!

From the BLACK CROWES Archives! "White River Amphitheater Auburn, Washington 2006" i don't believe I've ever posted this one, another great show with MARC FORD just a few months before he left ;-( The Horror!!

another creative set list, this is a rare show, an 
audience capture, A to A- I say, set list, 7-day link
I call him the modern day Mick Taylor.
The Sheer Unmitigated HORROR!!

If you're gonna go, you might as well be "GOING IN STYLE"! Revisiting This 1979 Comedy Caper With GEORGE BURNS, ART CARNEY & LEE STRASBERG I've pulled this one off the shelf a few times recently, such a Great Film! (Reco)

yep, they don't make em like this no more, everyone
is so good is this. It amazes me how much of a natural
comedian Art Carney was, he just slips so comfortably 
into his role, great Warners 1979 flick, highly recommend!
If this happens to me, I think I would contemplate 
robbing a bank as well!
cool lobby card

should be pretty easy to find, widely available/
The Horror!!

Classic 1966 VINYL RIP! I Feel Good, JAMES BROWN baby, "I Got You, I Feel Good" is a dandy repackaging kind of album with various songs and hits and it's all on VINYL over at Surfadelic blog, Ya Dig Me? Groovy Baby!

Recommended blog Surfadelic has this cool vinyl rip.
All we can say is Groovy Baby, JUST Groovy!
The Horror!!

JOE JACKSON 1980! "Ashbury Park, NJ" is a dandy show with 19 JJ tunes around the time of BEAT CRAZY ya dig me? Well Horrific SUN-DAY to ya in whatever part of this Horrific World you reside!

a little Joe with your sunday football ha ha link
The Horror!!

NOW will you give a man some Bloggin' room! rolling out Sunday with WACKY CHARACTERS and "TEXAS JACK" a mean gun-slingin' outlaw who likes to instigate major Saloon Brawls but no matter how big the brawl Texas Jack Never Has Enough "FIGHTIN' ROOM", Ya DIg?

In 1965's The Great Race, Texas Jack is one mean
 outlaw not to be messed with. He has one sole
purpose in the script and in life and that's to show
up and instigate a major brawl out of jealousy for
his girlfriend. He keeps repeating "Now, stand 
back and give a man some fightin' room!" and
never seems to be satisfied with his ground. 
After basically wrecking the entire saloon,
Texas Jack meets his apparent demise when
appearing for one last time in a doorway
yells his now-famous line and does a 
back-flip onto the floor and passes out.
One wacky character indeed.
"NOW, Give A Man Some Fightin' Room!"
Texas Jack was played by Larry Storch
The Horror!!

Wacky Characters! It's "JULIUS" from the original first Planet Of The Apes movie, he's a Feisty Zoo-Keeper, a young Gorilla Punk who takes pleasure in harassing Taylor and in general Hates Humans, The Horror!!

Julius the guerilla soldier charged with guarding Taylor
and all other humans makes it clear he doesn't like
humans and takes pleasure in calling them freaks.
But he's also very crafty, cow-towing to Dr Zira
and ultimately acting as the go-between for 
Taylor's escape. He utters the famous line
"Human See, Human Do" A wacky character indeed.

Julius was played by actor BUCK KARTALIAN who
amazingly enough is still around at age 92!
The Horror!!

just posted my next entry in the Mega NZ series, "SHUFFLE" is my 2008 Compilation Album, A Repackaging Effort That Turned Out Pretty Well, I actually Sold A Few Of These Believe it Or Not Ha ha, This is the last remaining CD!

Mega NZ @ 320 link, enjoy, I own copyright, also
available at my official site and official blog!
The Horror!!

hold up, we're not exactly done with GENESIS 1975! by request, the complete SHRINE AUDITORIUM show, Pre-Fm Source with No Overdubs, Ya Dig? The original source on Vinyl Boot was King Biscuit, Not The Same, OKay So Now Let's Give The Whole Genesis '75 thing a rest, yes?

The Sheer Horror!! set list , seven day link.
The Horror!!