the sign says "3000 MILES TO GRACELAND" ya dig? Revisiting this 2001 very strange anomaly that certainly belongs in the House, i don't believe i've ever seen a movie with so many Good Things and so many Bad Things going for it ALL AT THE SAME TIME! (Full Movie)

3,000 Miles To Graceland is definitely one strange inclusion
in the cinematic canon. Did it suffer from first-time-
director-itis? Probably. But the film does have some
redeeming qualities including a cast chock full of faces
we love to look at and a great music soundtrack.
The movie implemented a strong ad campaign for this
one and actors did internet spots, the first time done.
Despite all that, word spread quickly and it was a
major box office flop returning only 18 million at
the box office on a budget of 62 million. 
The opening credits sequence with the scorpions
is bar none one of the coolest ever!
KILLING TIME by Hed Planet Earth

found this upp on You Tube, it's a 2001 flick.
The Horror!!